Making a silkscreen: phase 2

In August I blogged about the drawing phase of developing a silkscreen. 
This is a post about planning the colors in a silkscreen.

Here is the final drawing.

Once the drawing was completed I made a list of colors I wanted to use and made notes about what elements of the drawings should be filled with which colors. My color list at this point is
a pale yellow sky with a fade
champagne grey
dark yellow
black outline

Next I used a lightbox to trace out my color separations, I traced outlines for each color I wanted on a separate sheet of paper, tracing over my original drawing. 

below you can see I'm tracing outlines for the color fill for sort of fern-like plants.

I ended up tracing separations for 5 colors. The finished silkscreen will have 6 colors, the five colors plus the black outline of the original drawing.

Here are some crummy photos of my separation drawings. I'm labeling with the colors I had in my mind when planning this out, but I may change my color choices when I do the actual silkscreening.

periwinkle or cornsilk blue

a dark shade of yellow

 a champagne grey

 a pale yellow sky fading down into a very transparent blue or purple towards the bottom


Once I have the outlines of the colors traced I can fill them in with solid black.
It seems counter intuitive that these drawing representing colors should all be black, but these must be solid black to create the opaque transparencies that will be used later.


yellow sky fade


champagne grey

dark yellow

After prepping my color separations I use a large Epson printer that has been programmed to print
transparencies. I print out a transparency of each color drawing above, and one for the black outline drawing as well. 

Now I have 6 transparencies which I will use in the next part of the silkscreening process. Later I'll show how I use these transparencies to create the stencils (the silkscreens) which I will use to do the actual printmaking.

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